In - Always in our hearts

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Memorial candle

  • Harry Soper lit a candle on 10/30/2017:
    "To Dang, Tricia and Lawrence, I was so sorry to hear of the loss of Dorothy. May God's love, consolation and peace surround each of you at this time. God, who is a real presence in times of trouble, will be with your whole family during this time and will care for you deeply. God bless you all."

  • Lawrence Kitchen lit a candle on 10/29/2017:
    "What is this life so full of care? We have no time to stand and stare Heaven’s eternal we cannot compare But you’ve made it a better place Now that you’re there. "

  • Mary Anne Hopkins lit a candle on 11/01/2017:
    "Dearest Patricia and family; Your mom was such a strong woman in her work for those with disabilities, I admired her so much for that, amongst so much else. She helped me secure work in that field, was so kind and gracious to me, and always asked about the well-being of my own mother, whom she had never even met. Your mom was a wonderful woman and truly loved."

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